I have recently created a book that lists many of my shopping experiences with links, along with all of the tips that I use to maximize profits on my shops. I haven't shared these tips anywhere else but I use them myself to get the most money that I can when I sign up for a shop. Here is where my initial title question comes in though. How much would you pay to make money? If you could pay less than $20 and in return with a little extra work earn back $400-$3000 a month as a mystery shopper is it worth it?
I think anyone with an ability to reason would be able to say YES. Of course there are shoppers that make much more but I want to be on the safe side. My book is all about helping out individuals who want to make money from home working as a mystery shopper. Many people have no idea what mystery shopping is but are intrigued by the idea that they can get paid to shop, eat out, go to the movies, or even do things that they have to do any way like get an oil change. If this describes you than my book is for you. I just finished my book and my subscribers are the only ones who have the opportunity to purchase the book right now for $10!
If you have not subscribed yet then you are missing out. I am only sending out the link to the book to my subscribers and when I think all my subscribers have had ample opportunity to make a purchasing decision the price of the book will go up closer to twenty bucks. In fact, if you want to start making money now and get the book at this special price, then you have to subscribe to get the link to this book because I haven't advertised this low price anywhere else. Plus when you subscribe you have access to bimonthly newsletters that offer tips for making money as a mystery shopper as well as other opportunities for those who want to make money at home. The next edition of the newsletter (coming out in March) will include tips on how to make money on Ebay and I will go into detail on how mystery shoppers can stand apart from other mystery shoppers. Past newsletters have discussed ways to make money online with surveys and cash back shopping. Plus I post free samples on my blog regularly and if you subscribe you are likely to be able to grab these samples quickly before supplies run out or the offer ends.
What more could you ask for in a subscription? What? Are you worried that I'm going to sell your information or email you seventy times a month? No, to both of those worries. I hate getting spam emails so I won't sell your email address or load your email up with spam. I usually only email once or twice a month. In fact I'm trying to remember a time when I've emailed my subscribers more than twice in a month and I'm drawing a blank.
To subscribe all you have to do is put in your email address and verify that you want to receive updates by checking your email and clicking the confirm link. You don't give out any more personal information than that and- Voila'! You're signed up. You won't get this combination of information anywhere else. I'm always updating my blog to keep subscribers up to date.
And, as I promised earlier, here are some free samples that I came across:
1. Click here to get a free sample of an energy bar.
2. Free sample of Scoop perfume.
3. Here is a great free sample of Just Like Sugar, a sugar substitute. I can't wait to try this one. This form has different categories for people from other countries to be able to order a sample.
4. I found this free scented bookmark. The only catch is that you are signing up for free catalogs. If it irritates you to get catalogs in the mail then skip this sample.
5. I came across another sample that is accessible from other countries as well. It is for O.B. tampons. Sorry guys, you might have to pass on this one! Or...you could get it for a wife or girlfriend...not the most romatic thing though.
If you haven't signed up yet you know you should. See you on the subscriber list!
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