Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How I try to spread a little happiness each day

Happiness is too good to keep to yourself! Why not share it with those you love? I try to be a pleasant person every day but it doesn’t always work out. I am not a morning person, for starters. Secondly, I am very grouchy if I’ve not eaten. I try to spread a little happiness in my classroom for my students. It makes the classroom so much more pleasant for everyone involved.

Since I am a teacher and have to see students early in the morning, I have to put on a happy face whether I feel like it or not. Most days I’m successful. I share happiness with my students as much as possible, but I also try to share happiness at home with my husband when I can.

I try to share a little happiness by wishing my students a good morning first thing. Some of my students, I’m sure, are not morning people either. I’m sure they understand me on the days when I fail to impart sunshine.

It’s always nice to do a really authentic “Hello,” when you walk by someone in the hallway. And it’s nice when you thank someone when they do something for you. I try to provide the example of doing that with my students and sometimes it rubs off. To me, good manners spread happiness.

Another thing I do for my students is to try to encourage them on their way to their math class. I always tell them, “Have a good day in Math!” I also tell them to work hard for their hard-working Math teacher and that I will see them in ninety minutes. It’s kind of our daily routine. I like to think it starts their transition on a positive note.

I am a writing teacher so I have plenty of opportunities to spread happiness when I score my student’s writings. It always amazes me how much students progress through the year. They come into the classroom at the beginning of the year and it’s an adventure reading their writing. However, it always seems that after the Christmas break they come to school as little future writers. Then by the third nine weeks of school right before the writing test, they have grown even more.

That’s what I do in the classroom. When I’m at home, I try to spread a little happiness with my husband by not being grouchy when I come home from work. I always ask him how his day was, and tell him the good things about my day if he asks. He has our son all day so I know he could use a little happiness!

Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Hershey's blogging program, for a gift card worth $25 and some product. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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